Bos Taurus

Arsenio Pandolfo

BACAS in collaboration with Court Tree Gallery, Brooklyn, New York, present a series of photographs by the self-taught photographer Arsenio “Ennio” Pandolfo. Pandolfo’s frequent visit to a friend’s mountain top bovine stall, draw his attention to two bulls he names Hector and Achilles. The bulls become subjects of an experimentation of light and dark, reminiscent of a Caravaggiesque interplay that turns the images of the bulls into surreal mythological beasts.

From the exhibition catalogue:

“most recently, the discovery of what might possibly be Francis Bacon’s final work has made headlines. Bacon’s canvas depicts a bull, half in shadow and half in light, either receding or emerging, suggesting the ambiguity of death as either an end, as a beginning, or both. Bacon’s work suggests that we are not finished wrestling with the image and possibility of being transformed by the bull.”